The Seelye Foundation
The Seelye Foundation is a charitable trust providing opportunities for advancement in the education sector and environmental sciences.
The Seelye Foundation welcomes grant applications from young people to further their careers in the design, construction, conservation, and environmental fields.
The Seelye Foundation also seeks interest from community groups and individuals for funding to advance and enhance their local environmental initiatives.
Grants for both the educational sector and environmental sciences focus on northern regions of NZ.
Educational grants
The Seelye Foundation is a charitable foundation that offers grants for the advancement of education for school leavers and young adults from northern regions of NZ with particular focus on Northland’s far north communities to attend higher education and training institutions.
Our charitable foundation offers grants to enable students disadvantaged by location to obtain a higher level of knowledge and skills so that they can ultimately make a greater contribution to their communities.

Grants for students
Students include, but are not limited to, those wishing to undertake training and courses in:
- construction and built environment
- architecture, urban and landscape design
- conservation and environmental sciences.
The education grants are for assistance in fees, travel, accommodation and / or resources to enable students to attend a higher education or training institution, which are likely to be some distance from their home base.
Study grants are awarded up to $10,000, the amount being based on application and level of financial assistance sought to attend a certain education or training Institution.
Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri, ā muri ake nei
For us and our children after us
Environmental initiatives
The Seelye Foundation funds grants for the support of a range of environmentally related initiatives that address local issues and can make a positive impact. These grants are offered to both individuals, voluntary organisations, and community groups, including schools, and are focused on northern communities north of the Mahurangi.
Environmental grants are offered to advance and enhance local ventures, and to enable continuity, in the following evolving and overlapping fields:

Flora & Fauna Conservation
Flora and fauna conservation measures, including plant and animal pest control, biodiversity and habitat enhancement and protection, and establishment of corridors. The Foundation would provide grants to fund already established local projects to expand, for example, native planting in existing pockets of vegetation and reserves.
Plant & Food Production
Plant and food production ventures involving new initiatives, such as honeybee health, manuka oil production, seaweed harvesting, and to include diversification of existing fibre / food / health products and protein enhancement methods. The Foundation would assist volunteers in the purchase of seedlings, mulch production and distribution for local community vegetable and fruit gardens.
Climate Change Studies
Climate change studies covering, for example, locally based seashore erosion mitigation and wetland restoration measures. The Foundation would provide grants, for example, for the purchase of appropriate planting to assist in such ventures.
Sustainability Projects
Sustainability projects involving recycling and waste management and other initiatives to achieve better sustainable and environmental outcomes. The Foundation also sponsors technical guidance on passive house design and for other building projects focusing on sustainable solutions.

Funding for environmental projects
Environmental grants are typically awarded to cover such items as purchase of vegetable and fruit seedlings, native plants, pest controls, measuring and monitoring devices, production, automation and robotic equipment, sponsorship of professional and technical advice.
The Seelye Foundation environmental grants are set at levels for Individuals up to $20,000 and organisations up to $30,000 and are generally on a one off-payment basis and paid in full on acceptance.
Become a recipient of the Seelye charitable foundation
For more information on how to apply for grants for study and vocational courses and funding for conservation and related initiatives from the Seelye charitable foundation, get in touch.
The Seelye Foundation also welcomes nominations from individuals, voluntary organisations and community groups to become recipients of study grants or environmental project grants.
Tell us about projects or young people you think would benefit from our support.