environmental grant application

Funding for environmental projects 

The Seelye Foundation offers funding for environmental projects that include flora and fauna conservation activities, pest control measures, plant and food production ventures, climate change studies and sustainability projects.

The environmental grants are for local ventures focused on regions north of Mahurangi and are for individuals involved in locally based conservation and environmental activities such as scientists, landscape and urban designers, architects and engineers, growers, and gardeners. We also offer environmental funding to voluntary agencies, trusts and societies, schools, iwi, community and neighbourhood groups, scientific bodies, start-ups, and emerging companies focusing on conservation and sustainability issues.

To find out if you are eligible for Seelye Foundation funding for environmental projects, complete one of the Environmental Grants Application Forms below.

Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitū te whenua

As people disappear from sight, the land remains

Become a recipient of the Seelye charitable foundation

For more information on how to apply for grants for conservation and environmental sustainability projects, get in touch. The Seelye Foundation also welcomes nominations from individuals and community organisations to become a recipient of the foundation for environmental initiatives focusing on the northern regions of Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Seelye Foundation